Profit from progress

DanBred Duroc is
bred for business


Explore the impressive results in detail

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The differences in productivity add up to more than €3.5 per finisher!

A recent comparison between DanBred Duroc-boars and boars from another genetics company from Denmark has shown that the differences in productivity add up to more than €3.5 per finisher!

Best in test

Faster growth (+ 77 g)
Better feed efficiency
(- 0.03 kg feed/kg gain)
Higher meat percentage (+ 0.6 %)

Superior results
for all important traits

The results clearly show DanBred Duroc’s high efficiency. There is considerable difference between DanBred genetics and the other genetics for all of the important finisher traits. Of course, the terminal sire only contributes with half of the genes for a finisher pig; to benefit from the full potential of DanBred genetics, it is essential to cross the DanBred Duroc-boar with the DanBred Hybrid-sow

Differences for your
production economy

Considering your costs of production, this clearly demonstrates how DanBred’s breeding progress manifests and provide results that improve your bottom line.


DanBred’s continuous
breeding progress

The results clearly show that DanBred has delivered a documented strong breeding progress over the past five years.

Basis for comparison

In May 2023, a large integrated pig production company initiated a professional trial, where DanBred Duroc was compared to Duroc from another genetics company from Denmark.

The trial lasted for 18 weeks in total, including a total of 4,656 inseminations, 5,800 piglets, and 2,340 finisher pigs.

An external consultant has been used for calculations and conclusions on the results to ensure objectivity.