Best in test

DanBred is just better

A recent trial shows how DanBred delivers superior results compared to a Danish competitor.


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Differences in productivity add up to €5 per finisher!

A comparison of finisher traits from DanBred pigs and pigs from another genetics company from Denmark has shown that the differences in productivity add up to almost €5 per finisher!

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What does the comparison show?

Higher daily gain (+96 g)
Better feed efficiency (-0.12 kg feed/ kg gain)
Higher meat percentage (+1 %)

How was the comparison done?

In February 2023, two groups of 500 pigs of 30 kg entered a highly effective finisher herd.

  • One group was DanBred DLY pigs
  • One group was DLY pigs from another genetics company from Denmark

Data was collected in the herd and by Danish Crown — and external consultants have been used for calculations and conclusions to ensure objectivity.

Your choice of genetics is decisive for your economic profit!

Stefan Derks, Regional Director Europe

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results in detail

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